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Tips for Shopping at VXDIAG

How to Get Discount

How to Get Discounts on VXDIAG.COM?

How to Play Lucky Draw on VXdiagShop.com?

How to Play Lucky Draw?

1. Please turn to the product page, www.vxdiagshop.com, choose the item you want.

For example, http://www.vxdiagshop.com/wholesale/vxdiag-vcx-nano-pro-gm-ford-mazda.html

Choose "Add to cart", or "Buy Now". To choose payment for the item.

2. If choose "Add to Cart", turn to the cart page, to choose shipping country. Then choose payment method or add other items if need.

3. Then input shipping address if need. If check out with Paypal directly, can use Paypal address directly. Then finish the order.

4. After finish the order, turn to your order list, click the button "Play Lucky Draw" to win awards.