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How to Solve VXDIAG VX Manager System Error?

People usually don’t have installation problems with the Allscanner VXDIAG VX Manager driver. Sometimes missing computer patch may lead to installation failure.  Check cases and solutions here.


Error 1:
ManagerCenter.exe System Error
The program can’t start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-0l-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Vx Manager System Error 1

or similar Error 2:
ManagerCenter.exe Application Error
The application was unable to start correctly.

Vx Manager System Error 2

Here is the engineer solution:

Computer patched required:

Windows6.1-KB2999226-x86 .msu

Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64 .msu

The solution was tested on Windows 7 64bit system, here we use x64 patch. For 32bit system, x86 patch is required.

Let us known if it does not work on your systems.



1.Create a new Update folder in Disk D, copy and paste Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64 to D://Update folder

2.Run Start menu-》 search cmd, right-click cmd window as Administrator 

3. Input value: expand &nD-A-Sh;F:* D:\update\Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64.msu D:\update\, pres Enter on keyboard

4. Input value: dism.exe /online /Add-Package /PackagePath:D:\update\,  pres Enter on keyboard


Then install vx manager again.