allscanner vxdiag authorized dealer

VX Manager has update to latest version V1.8.0

Dear Customers,
VX Manager has update to latest version V1.8.0 Build 0813
UPDATE: 2020-08-13

* UPD: Update new platform SDK v1.8.0.0
* UPD: Update VCI firmware v1.8.0.0
* OPT: Optimize user interface
Download link:

Kindly note:
1.Users are not able to update the vxdiag vcx firmware and driver if using older version VX Manager.
2. All vxdiag diagnostic tools need to update the firmware and driver, then update license to use device properly after update the VX Manager to V1.8.0.
3. If vx manager shows license will expire in October 2020, it does not matter.  Enable network connection, update software license, the license date will be renewed.

Details below:

VX Manager client tool V1.8.0 Build 0814
Update Integrated update software development platform SDK v1.8.0.0
Update Adapt to update device VCI firmware v1.8.0.0
Optimize the user interface
VCI Firmware Device firmware V1.8.0.0 2020-08-14
Update Synchronously update the new platform SDK v1.8.0.0
Added LIN bus protocol.
Optimize OBD ignition voltage signal reading.
DoIP Firmware Network Firmware V1.7.0 2020-08-07
Update BENZ remote diagnosis support D-A-S / X-ENTRY (DoIP not currently supported)
Update BMW remote diagnosis support I-S-T-A-D / ESYS (DoIP support)
Update JLR remote diagnosis support SDD / PathFinder (DoIP support)
Update PT3G remote diagnosis support
Optimize remote diagnosis network service

Software Update:

  • BENZ v3.2.0.200810
    FORD v2.2.0.200810
    GM v1.1.0.200810
    HINO v02.02.200812
    HONDA v04.04.200812
    JLR v04.04.200812
    JLRDOIP v3.1.0.200810
    pass thru v04.04.200812
    PT3G v3.2.0.200810
    SGM v04.04.200812
    SUBARU v04.04.200812
    TOYOTA v04.04.200812
  • VW6154 v3.2.0.200813

How to install VX Manager?

Option I: Open the VX Manager,
click the [upodate bottome] button in the lower-left corner,
then click OK to update
VX Manager 1.8.0 update

Option II: download the VX Manager 1.8.0 from office website:
VX Manager 1.8.0 update
Best regards Team