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VXDIAG Update New Benz Driver for X-ENTRY 2022.09

2022.09 X-ENTRY was tested woking fine with vxdiag vcx se Benz and Benz C6 VCI. 2022.09 X-ENTRY requires newer VCI firmware


2022.10.25 X-ENTRY Diagnosis 09/2022 new version

1. Update VCI firmware to

2. Update DoIP firmware to 1.9.1

3. Update Benz driver to

NOTE: If using 2022.06 and the previous X-ENTRY, run XDVCI Update tool.


How to Update VXDIAG Benz Driver?

Connect vcx se or Benz C6 VCI with laptop

Run VX Manager

Update firmware- Update VCI and DoIP

Go to Diagnostic tab, Install and update Benz C6 driver